Special Districts in Williamson County

Compiled by
The County Information Program, Texas Association of Counties

The information contained in this report was obtained from The County Information Program's on-line database. The data contained in the database are obtained from official sources and are not the product of the CIP. The CIP, therefore, does not expressly or impliedly warrant the accuracy of the data. Questions regarding the accuracy, methodology, etc. should be directed to the original source of the information. The sources may be obtained from the CIP by contacting the County Information Program, Texas Association of Counties at (512) 478-8753.

District IDSpecial District NameTotal Tax Rate, 2023Total Levy, 2023
246-283-04-246-2467S Ranch MUD$0.000000$0
246-201-30-246-246Anderson Mill Limited District$0.122500$1,804,080
246-201-30-227-227Anderson Mill Limited District$0.122500$29,743
246-201-10-246-246Avery Ranch Road District #1$0.032000$719,919
246-263-04-246-246Berry Creek Highlands MUD$0.550000$332,508
246-205-04-246-246Blockhouse MUD$0.590500$4,037,580
246-201-04-246-246Brushy Creek MUD$0.419500$12,259,000
246-235-04-246-246Brushy Creek MUD Defined Area$0.115000$833,014
246-269-04-246-246CLL MUD #1$0.822000$652,266
246-262-04-246-246Cool Water MUD$0.950000$2,143,420
246-284-04-246-246East Williamson County MUD #1$0.000000$0
246-209-04-246-246Fern Bluff MUD$0.200000$1,828,940
246-201-09-246-246Georgetown Village Improvement Dist #1$0.120000$542,265
246-239-04-246-246Highlands at Mayfield Ranch MUD$0.518100$2,859,320
246-279-04-246-246Lakeside MUD #9$0.000000$0
246-248-04-246-246Leander MUD #1$1.000000$1,940,030
246-249-04-246-246Leander MUD #2$1.000000$1,564,930
246-272-04-246-246Leander MUD #3$1.000000$80,911
246-250-04-246-246Leander TODD MUD #1$0.350000$1,790,670
246-204-19-246-246Lower Brushy Creek WCID$0.016300$852,567
246-208-04-246-246Meadows of Chandler Creek MUD$0.297200$1,760,000
246-213-04-246-246North Austin MUD #1$0.224600$4,047,910
246-213-04-227-227North Austin MUD #1$0.224600$408,862
246-264-04-246-246North San Gabriel MUD #1$0.950000$333,541
246-259-04-246-246North San Gabriel MUD #2$0.400000$515,426
246-266-04-246-246Northwest Williamson Co MUD #2$0.950000$1,063,780
246-202-10-246-246Northwoods Road District #1$0.197500$681,112
246-247-04-246-246Palmera Ridge MUD$0.400000$1,557,660
246-230-04-246-246Paloma Lake MUD #1$0.420000$2,094,470
246-231-04-246-246Paloma Lake MUD #2$0.507500$1,945,980
246-233-04-246-246Parkside at Mayfield Ranch MUD$0.407500$2,397,780
246-267-04-246-246Parkside on the River MUD #1$0.920000$1,012,360
246-285-04-246-246Parkside on the River MUD #2$0.000000$0
246-203-10-246-246Pearson Place Road District$0.061000$264,938
246-286-04-246-246Prairie Crossing MUD #1$0.000000$0
246-287-04-246-246Prairie Crossing MUD #2$0.000000$0
246-218-04-246-246Ranch Cypress Creek MUD #1$0.295500$1,186,050
246-218-04-227-227Ranch Cypress Creek MUD #1$0.295500$455,816
246-274-04-246-246Rancho Del Cielo MUD$0.950000$226,817
246-265-04-246-246Round Rock MUD #1$0.680000$989,079
246-268-04-246-246Round Rock MUD #2$0.511000$712,539
246-288-04-246-246Shell Road MUD$0.550000$54,890
246-241-04-246-246Sienna MUD #1$0.583900$4,230,830
246-242-04-246-246Sienna MUD #2$0.630000$3,426,120
246-205-10-246-246Somerset Hills Road District #3$0.290000$339,472
246-204-10-246-246Somerset Hills Road District #4$0.290000$1,250,450
246-228-04-246-246Sonterra MUD$0.703500$8,530,560
246-276-04-246-246South Fork Ranch MUD$0.000000$0
246-255-04-246-246Southeast Williamson Co. MUD #1$0.459500$2,889,960
246-229-04-246-246Stonewall Ranch MUD$0.763000$2,196,840
246-280-04-246-246Theon Ranches MUD #1$0.000000$0
246-201-19-246-246Upper Brushy Creek WCID$0.017000$13,917,600
246-215-04-246-246Vista Oaks MUD$0.235000$946,760
246-227-04-246-246Walsh Ranch MUD$0.415900$715,944
246-244-04-246-246Watch Hill MUD$0.557200$671,022
246-236-04-246-246West Williamson County MUD #1$0.720500$2,750,840
246-253-04-246-246West Williamson County MUD #2$0.682000$1,491,600
246-201-40-246-246Williamson County ESD #1$0.100000$2,443,390
246-210-40-246-246Williamson County ESD #10$0.100000$766,802
246-211-40-246-246Williamson County ESD #11$0.090900$149,043
246-212-40-246-246Williamson County ESD #12$0.090700$270,584
246-202-40-246-246Williamson County ESD #2$0.094300$4,529,820
246-203-40-246-246Williamson County ESD #3$0.100000$8,331,170
246-204-40-246-246Williamson County ESD #4$0.068000$7,683,040
246-205-40-246-246Williamson County ESD #5$0.100000$2,739,460
246-206-40-246-246Williamson County ESD #6$0.061900$432,034
246-207-40-246-246Williamson County ESD #7$0.080200$932,142
246-208-40-246-246Williamson County ESD #8$0.094100$5,580,400
246-209-40-246-246Williamson County ESD #9$0.094400$6,054,130
246-216-04-246-246Williamson County MUD #10$0.411500$2,328,640
246-222-04-246-246Williamson County MUD #11$0.396000$2,670,410
246-223-04-246-246Williamson County MUD #12$0.735500$5,582,080
246-224-04-246-246Williamson County MUD #13$0.547100$2,467,210
246-234-04-246-246Williamson County MUD #15$0.520000$2,701,630
246-237-04-246-246Williamson County MUD #19$0.642500$4,345,960
246-246-04-246-246Williamson County MUD #19A$0.694600$3,557,170
246-258-04-246-246Williamson County MUD #19B$0.850000$1,150,930
246-270-04-246-246Williamson County MUD #19C$0.850000$535,753
246-271-04-246-246Williamson County MUD #19E$0.850000$1,465,570
246-273-04-246-246Williamson County MUD #19F$0.850000$234,467
246-277-04-246-246Williamson County MUD #19G$0.850000$5,949
246-278-04-246-246Williamson County MUD #19H$0.850000$3,681
246-291-04-246-246Williamson County MUD #21$0.000000$0
246-238-04-246-246Williamson County MUD #22$0.865000$2,453,720
246-252-04-246-246Williamson County MUD #23$0.930000$5,634,290
246-243-04-246-246Williamson County MUD #25$0.920000$2,921,960
246-245-04-246-246Williamson County MUD #26$0.900000$1,213,130
246-251-04-246-246Williamson County MUD #28$0.625000$3,340,790
246-260-04-246-246Williamson County MUD #29$0.650000$1,598,970
246-254-04-246-246Williamson County MUD #30$0.735500$776,208
246-261-04-246-246Williamson County MUD #31$0.850000$3,060,990
246-256-04-246-246Williamson County MUD #32$0.850000$2,826,820
246-257-04-246-246Williamson County MUD #34$0.632500$1,189,610
246-292-04-246-246Williamson County MUD #35$0.950000$1,680
246-281-04-246-246Williamson County MUD #37$0.000000$0
246-289-04-246-246Williamson County MUD #44$0.000000$0
246-282-04-246-246Williamson County MUD #45$0.000000$0
246-275-04-246-246Williamson County MUD #51$0.950000$109,571
246-201-08-246-246Williamson County WSID #3$0.621000$4,740,390
246-201-08-227-227Williamson County WSID #3$0.621000$721,391
246-240-04-246-246Williamson-Liberty Hill MUD$0.950000$2,905,140
246-207-04-227-227Williamson/Travis MUD #1$0.288100$556,030
246-207-04-246-246Williamson/Travis MUD #1$0.288100$1,900,060
246-290-04-246-246Woodside MUD #1$0.000000$0

Historic tax rates


  1. Special District tax data provided by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts. At this time the Comptroller is no longer collecting property tax data on special districts. Therefore, the 2010 information is the most recent special district property tax data available and will remain posted in the hope that the Comptroller will once again begin collecting this data in the future. At that time this page will once again be updated as the data becomes available..
  2. Tax rates are per $100.00 valuation. Please contact the Appraisal District for the most current information on special district tax rates and levies.
  3. Special District boundaries are not maintained by the Texas Association of Counties. Some districts have boundaries that are the same as the county although most are smaller. Some districts extend into more than one county.
  4. Districts are included in this list if any part of the district is within the county AND they collected property taxes during the indicated year.
  5. Contact information: TAC does not maintain contact information for special districts! Contact Information is available for many, although not all, special districts from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). If you cannot find contact information for a special district at TCEQ, try contacting the Appraisal District.
  6. Maps and boundaries: TAC does not have access to special districts boundaries! The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) provides an online mapping application called the Water Utilities Map Viewer. For maps and boundaries of other special districts, try contacting the Appraisal District.
  7. *: An aserisk by the taxing unit name indicates that the appraisal district did not fully respond to the survey conducted by the Comptroller's Property Tax Assistance Division.
  8. **: A double asterisk by the taxing unit name indicates that it is a community college district that may collect a tax in some school districts under Education Code Chapter 130. This allows for a different tax rate for branch campuses in those school districts.